Posts tagged Witch
Tending Your House Spirits

Have you ever gotten that itch to get up and clean, or to tidy up that pile of blankets that’s been crumpled for 3 days? How about to finally hang up that piece of art, or fix that squeaky door? What if that very inkling to do the thing was your home asking you to tend it? This is definitely one of those things that I hadn’t thought of before, at least not like this.

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Coming Back Around

This time last year, I was sitting at my altar thinking about what I wanted to do in life. I took a hard look inside and started wondering what life would be like if things were different, if I was actually doing the things that brought me joy all of the time. I remembered how much I enjoyed writing, and how it was a useful tool to share the healing messages from the divine.

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Reflect, Refresh, Renew

Today marks the dark moon, a perfect time for reflection and observance; it's also a great time to begin new things. Even more auspicious about today is that it's a solar eclipse, which in and of itself is potent energy. Mystic Medusa says "Stay with it and on the 'renewal' vibe and you will get the visionary vibe of this. Muffle, deny, ignore or shut down and it won't work." Even if you don't follow astrology, this shift happening is clearly palpable.

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Pending Ordination

With March around the corner, now is the time when my coven starts to focus on Ordinations. It's always a joyous time of year, though it's also the busiest. Between February and March, many of us are lucky to get even 1 day off from having to do a thing. Most of us maintain day jobs, several of us have families, and we all have lots of planning and coordinating around PantheaCon and then Ordination Retreat - not to mention our social lives. So, now that PantheaCon is done and over with, the focus shifts to the next thing.

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PantheaCon, the Aftermath

Settling back into the world post-PantheaCon is a strange and mysterious thing. Every year, new things happen; and every year, I never know how to go forth and spread the happiness that fills my heart. This year was filled with ritual and learning, where in years past it was filled more with lecture and discussion. I've experienced so much, and I'm still struggling with the words.

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A Review: The Prisma Visions Tarot

The Prisma Visions Tarot started as a Kickstarter campaign, and has been on the market for nearly a year for all non-backers. I've had the deck for a little more than three weeks, and I only discovered about its' origins after that. So, I'm a bit late to the party. Yesterday, however, James R. Eads announced that the Second Edition of the deck would be available on Feb. 2 - it seems fitting that I would write this review now.

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Evaluating our Shields

With the Dark Moon upon us, and still considering the new year, now is a good time to evaluate any shielding practices (or lack thereof) we may have. It's always good to check-in with any personal practices we set up, though with the way life tends to go - I know that I regularly forget to do so. We do what we can, but the change in the Wheel of the Year marks a great time to reflect, and potentially change things up that aren't working.

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