Evaluating our Shields

With the Dark Moon upon us, and still considering the new year, now is a good time to evaluate any shielding practices (or lack thereof) we may have. It's always good to check-in with any personal practices we set up, though with the way life tends to go - I know that I regularly forget to do so. We do what we can, but the change in the Wheel of the Year marks a great time to reflect, and potentially change things up that aren't working.

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Growth and Change

When we begin to exist in this world, we are but a speck - unseeable to the naked eye. From there, we grow thousands of times over before we begin to exist as a recognizable person. After birth, we continue on the path of rapid change for years before all of that starts to slow down into the recognizable pattern that happens between "child" and "adult". Once a person is firmly in the adulthood category, we generally stop paying attention to the shifts that still continue to happen.

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Committing to Self

At the new year, we see masses of people choosing to make some sort of Resolution. Sometimes they choose to take on the one, big, commitment to finally losing those 5lbs that they've been trying to get rid of for years. Sometimes they chose something else equally as challenging, or multiple somethings that are bound to get lost track of. Often times, though not always, those plans fail to work. They fail because they are based on societal norms of what people should be. They fail because it's easier to be trapped in the box of what other people want for us, than to live the life we truly desire to be living. There is a better way.

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Where Fantasy Meets Life

It's no secret that I love to read. Reading is a dear pleasure of mine, and I'm not sure what I would do with myself if I wasn't able to take part. It sometimes acts as an escape from reality, and sometimes it's pleasurable entertainment that lasts longer than a standard movie. Along the way, I sometimes wonder what it would be like to walk among my favorite characters.

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