The Peacock Witch

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Time of Transformation

I’ve been struggling with what I want to be doing with my life lately. I don’t know what brings me joy. I don’t know what lifts my soul. I don’t know where I begin, end, or where I fit in to the fabric of the universe. I’ve felt like I was simply drifting along with the tides, with the waves occasionally pulling me under. I’ve felt lost. Lonely. Overwhelmed. I’ve also had many moments of joy and bliss. The beautiful golden rays of the sun shining on my face, and the way that that same feeling can fill your soul when your children giggle. Such madness this life can be.

It’s been a while since I really sat down and considered why it is I want to write. It’s been even longer since I could actually come up with a good reason. The first time I started a blog, I just needed an outlet. Somewhere where I could put my tiny little voice out there, and hopefully, maybe I would be heard. Over time, that morphed into a few things, including wanting to share thoughts that perplexed me, or messages that felt like they needed to come through. Today though, it clicked.

My primary goal in life has always been to help people. But, that’s not exactly something that’s actionable, so it’s been hard to develop a cohesive picture of how everything fits together. I can help people in a multitude of ways, though my speciality has always been eclectic - which is a hard thing to name sometimes. So, I went searching for more puzzle pieces to work with, and through many hours of research and notes - the thing that I’m best at is helping people by showing them a new perspective. I am really good at seeing things that others don’t, that’s what made me such an excellent Quality Assurance Analyst. The downside is that that is not a skill regularly sought after for other corporate-type jobs. However, that doesn’t mean that I can’t use my skills to help other people.

This season is bringing many changes with it. My bonus daughters have moved in, so now there are three children in the house - all of whom need extra school help throughout the day. Adjusting to school with just the one was hard, but after 2 weeks of the three, I’d say we have a fairly good routine down. Not going to lie though, that was a steep learning curve for all of us. I give so much of myself during the school day, so much so that I rarely have a solid block of time for myself to really commit to getting anything accomplished. It seems that just about every time I sit down and finally think everything is under control, something new comes up. Life these days is a constant rotating door of things. Round and round she goes, where she stops nobody knows…

In the works right now is a Patreon page, an updated list of consulting services, and potentially some other things. I’m not sure yet. Now that I’ve had this Aha! moment, I think everything will start to flow better. The Patreon page will be a space for me to explore more of my writing, to create courses and content that actually serves a purpose, and will be a place for me to engage with my readers. What is something that folks would want to see come from that space to make it worthwhile?