A Day in the Life...

Once upon a Friday, there was a Papa, a Mama, and three goblins…

6:20 My alarm goes off. Why did I set it for today again? Dear Husband is still in bed, more cuddles!

7:24 Wake up

7:36 No really, it’s time to get up

7:48 Okay… up, dressed, Goblin #2 is already up and eating, need to get Goblin #3 out of bed 

The cat is meowing about her box, not to mention the lack of food in her bowl. 

Feed the cats, scoop the boxes quick before DH leaves for work so he can take the trash with him.

Goblin #2 still can’t focus on breakfast “Stop playing the game and eat” we say repeatedly.

DH leaves, “I love you, beautiful” he says.

8:08 “Goblin #3, it’s time for your meeting.”

8:13 “Goblin #2, are you ready for your meeting?”

Right, there’s no coffee. But wait! I have Oat Milk, so let’s have a Chai Bowl of Soul. Mmm… I should also take out hamburger for dinner. 

Goblin #1 emerges - awesome, I don’t have to wake her up.

More tea and prep, and please children one of you put on headphones. Both of you can’t have your teachers talking on speaker at the same time.

Goblin #2 is having tech troubles, wants the Google Meet to do a thing that it’s not capable of all by itself. Oh, we need an extension. Downloaded, we can figure it out later, please listen to your teacher.

8:39 Okay, time to get get started on my own day. On my way past, check in with Goblin #1, remind that we’re starting her school at 9 am.

Check the tea, it’s not right, needs more oomph…

Goblin #2 is now overwhelmed. Too many instructions, none of it makes sense (because he’s not actually paying attention), gotta stop the meltdown in its tracks.

8:55 “Five minute warning Goblin #1.”

9:02 “Goblin #1, time to get started on school.”

Check my tea again.

9:10 Back to the computer “…mom.” More browser extension help.

9:13 Check on the other Goblins. To #3 “You okay? Ready for your test?”; To #1 “Do you know what you need to be working on?”

9:22 Goblin #3 emerges, says she’s on break “Break doesn’t start until 9:45, explain please.” They got released early… got it, okay, now get dressed and brush your hair. ‘Fine’ she groans.

9:34 Goblin #2 has been awfully quiet… should go check on him.

Finally, some time to sit and think and write. 

9:47 … I’m hearing sounds I should not be… 

Goblin #2 has reached his designated limit, and is in need of a break… “10 more minutes Dude, you’ve got this.”

Back to writing, gotta finish last nights writing.

9:57 Goblin #2 just said good-bye, now I gotta go tear him away from the computer screen so he can actually rest his brain.

10:05 Goblin #2 is out of sorts, need to assess.

10:08 Okay, stable, please get on daytime clothes.

10:12 Oh poop, “Goblin #3, your meeting!”

10:16 Goblin #2 now wants to join the others in the room…… You need headphones, it’s the only way.

10:20 … all three goblins are contained in the bedroom……I could sit at the table… I could actually work on some of my backlogged projects - nope going to nip that thought in the bud right there, that’s a lot to clean up and we ALL know this peace won’t last that long. Let’s be Real, Self. 

Okay, back to writing. 

10:32 SQUIRREL - the kids aren’t in the living or dining room… I could vacuum…. Gotta finish writing. Ooh, it’s raining!

Blast, it’s raining…. There’s not enough rain jackets to send them outside at lunch :( 

10:38 Haven’t checked on the kids in a while, maybe I should do that.

Found Goblin #2 on YouTube, he’s angry that he got caught. School “makes no sense” and he’s edging into meltdown territory all over again.

10:46 Randomly, Goblin #2 went to storage to grab a costume… he’s supposed to be reading a book with his classmates… Goblin #1 is asking for a break. Goblin #2 is now putting on said costume—he does look kind of silly with the headphones on over his Iron Spider mask… still this has nothing to do with school kid—knock it off, stop being a distraction to your sisters… 

10:54 Goblin #2’s voice is dripping with attitude... this really is going to be a Long Day.

10:59 Time to convince Goblin #2 that he needs to go to his learning group… wish me luck.

Goblin #1 needs a plan of attack, Goblin #3 needs convincing to just get her work done for thirty more minutes. 

11:09 “Mom, I need you” —You’re going to have to give me just a couple of minutes because I’m helping your sister.

11:15 Plan made, fifteen more minutes… Goblin #2 now.

11:22 Wait…. What were we doing for lunch O.O

Okay, plan for lunch. Oh shoot, there’s already chicken that needs cooking for dinner tonight. I took out the hamburger for nothing.

11:32 Math help with Goblin #3.

11:36 “Whatcha doin’?” Goblin #1 says while I’m standing over the stove, actively stirring the pot of boiling water and pasta…

11:48 Pasta is done, kids are officially fed.

12:16 Lunch is over…. Back to class for the goblins.

Lunch for the Mama is leftover Mac ‘n’ Cheese. Gotta make the grocery list, because this whole no coffee thing is No Fun.

12:28 Goblin #3 is struggling with the technology, Goblin #2 is playing music, and Goblin #1 just doesn’t wanna, but she is, so that’s something. 

12:31 Goblin #3 needs help.

12:32 Goblin #1 needs help.

12:43 Goblin #3 needs more help.

12:47 Goblin #2 just needs attention.

12:51 Are they done with school yet??????

Math and writing and math and question and writing and school is complete at last!

13:27 I still need to pick stuff up from the school, finish the grocery list, do the shopping, oh right, I was going to vacuum today too.

13:36 Goblin #3 comes back with “Dad said you would be going to the grocery store today.” 

13:43 Okay, groceries. Let’s do the thing. Goblin #2 is coming with, it’s good 1:1 time for us, and gives the other kids a break.

13:48 I’m leaving the house in slippers. I don’t care. School supplies, groceries, school lunches. Ready Set Goat!

14:00 Get to the school no packet, text the teacher.

14:10 Got the packet! Now groceries.

14:22 Why is there a line at Trader Joe’s???

14:36 Groceries Take Two.

Whoa this store is set up different than our regular one, well, maybe the different layout will be a nice change for my brain. Ouch my toe. Where in the world is the milk? Why is it all the way past the cosmetics? 

Still gotta go by the other school. Easier to find and to do the thing than I was anticipating. Cool!

15:48 Parked and now trying to find weight appropriate bags for the kids to help get the groceries upstairs.

Why is there trash on the floor? Let me put stuff away. No, I didn’t get you that thing, yes, it’s still on the list along with everything else I didn’t grab. But look! I got you your favorite cereal :D 

Sorting out the perishables from the non, Goblin #3 shares they are nonbinary and wish they/them pronouns, laughter and questions, so much plastic sounds, loud…

16:21 :red alert: System Overload! Abort! Abort! Abort!

16:28 We don’t have time for a meltdown right now, Self. Still gotta get the kitchen prepped for dinner, and peel & chop carrots. Why do I hear stomping and doors slamming??? 

16:36 A sigh of relief as the kids go to the park unprompted. Okay, I can do this.

And now dishes.

Oh look, I didn’t actually finish putting away the groceries. Oh, that’s right, because I have to rearrange the fridge… when was the last time we cleaned up old containers? Hint: long enough ago that I cleared exactly enough space for the food—which was plentiful thanks to the school meal services. 

16:49 ! Why are the kids so quiet ! Oh, they went to the park…. right. Music!

16:50 Time to Stand! Says my watch …. …. what… do you think… I’ve BEEN DOING!!!

17:00 Dishes are put away, no time to wash the dirty ones.

17:18 The goblins return! “What are you doing?” Goblin #1 asks. Note: I have a carrot in one hand, a tool in the other, and carrot peels on the counter… 

17:22 Goblin #3 is MIA, send the others to go back and look for them.

Kids want to watch a movie. I wouldn’t mind listening along, go for it.

17:47 DH is home at last!

18:00 All food is on the stove, scraps cleaned up. Why is the rice not cooking? Shit, the burner isn’t cooperating. Ugh! 

18:45 Finally. We eat.

Except we don’t. WTF rice!!!

19:00 The rice still isn’t cooking.

19:14 The rice may or may not be salvageable for tonight’s curry. Why, rice, why? Whatever, I’m hungry, I don’t need the rice. 

19:19 Goblin #3 is upset over carrots, DH is overwhelmed. 

19:26 DH had a very long day at work, and wants to be left alone. Okay.

19:34 Goblin #3 has calmed and will finish the carrots (took them two whole minutes).

19:39 Okay, you can turn the movie back on. Grown Up Break.

19:41 “We can’t turn the movie back on.” ... apparently “all you have to do is push a button” was too vague of an instruction.

19:51 Sitting on the couch with the kids, watching the end of Coco.




20:16 Tired.

20:22 Goblin #3 is complaining about brushing their teeth, but gets it done.

20:41 They’ve turned on a new movie. The Curse of La Llorona. I’d love to put everything down and just relax for the evening. But write I must.

21:21 Distracted by the movie, sleepy mama, maybe I should just stop and enjoy the family time. No, I’m so close to finishing.

21:46 Finally completed the thing. Close the computer. Relax.

22:24 I’m done with being awake. Two of the three goblins are still awake, them and DH are feeling the scary movie vibe. I just want quiet. Forehead kisses.

22:33 Bed, sweet bed. How I love thee…




I never did vacuum… sigh…