The Peacock Witch

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All Baths Are Sacred

What would you give if you could snap your fingers and instantly feel better?

It’s no secret that we’re all made up of water, and all things are made up of energy. On average, the human body is 60% water, though parts of our body, such as our brains, are 75%—quite similar to the Earth’s 71%. Now, were you aware that water holds onto vibrational memory? Better yet, that we can use it to help us heal?

Dr. Masaru Emoto pioneered the scientific research of how our words impact the molecular structure of water. Consider though, that when you pour from one cup of water into another—you never know how the molecules were ever originally sorted, and they’ll certainly never rearrange the same should you re-split it. Take this one step further, and any water is therefore capable of reforming into the essence of any vibration we could ask for.

The Sacred Act of Bathing

Using the power of the water in which you bathe and your imagination, the following is a visualization that you can do every single day. You can take the essence of this exercise with you, too, to any sink or stream, pooling the energy into your hands and watching it wash away in that fashion. The act of bathing can be to immerse yourself in water for the sake of pleasure just as easily as it is for you to cleanse your body, even if you only give yourself 5 minutes of practice—do give yourself this pleasure. Also, remember to fill yourself back up with intention, even if your intention is “whatever serves my highest self” when you’re releasing & cleansing your energy.

When you take your next shower:

  • As you strip away your clothes, imagine the layers of yourself really peeling away down to the essence of all that is You.

  • Turn the water to a comfortable temperature, don't be afraid to take a nice, long, hot bath here. Your goal is to relax and to nurture, not just to cleanse. 

  • In whatever way feels most comfortable to you, sit or stand under the running water. Imagine every memory, every thought, every emotion, everything that you no longer wish to hold onto right now, coming to the surface.

  • As these feelings and memories arise, watch them then flow with ease, down the drain, along with the water, just as you do with your body wash. As you intend it, it is so.

  • Keep visualizing this until you feel complete. Feel free to proceed with your normal bathing routine here too, the full act of cleansing yourself, physically and energetically, can be very therapeutic.

  • When there is nothing left coming to the surface to be washed away, imagine then that the water is filling you up with the purest white light energy that only serves to heal your tender bits, to nurture your very essence, and help raise your vibration to help you meet the day ahead. Call in whatever feeling or sensation feels correct to you within that moment—you get to choose what you feel. Just like that.

Water Remembers

When we collect rainwater, or snow, or water from a stream, it holds onto the essence of that place from whence it came. As magic workers, we’re prone to using those waters in our spell-crafting, but how frequently do you add a splash to your bathwater? Is it only when you’re doing ritual work, or have you ever used it simply because it was a Thursday and you needed a long soak in the tub? You know you DO get to use the fancy water for the regular baths too, right‽ In fact, those are some of the ones that will be the most impactful.

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The concept of water remembering is also why I recommend to my clients to speak loving words of affirmation into their water, even their morning brew because the water holds it and it then affects us from the inside out. So then, it stands to reason that we can have just as much impact speaking our words of affirmation into the water that we’re bathing in, to let our words surround and hug our body in that way that only water can.

What magic do you suppose we can bring about if we were to take our exploration into every interaction we had with water? From our daily shower to doing the dishes after dinner, how many opportunities might we have available to us to release what we can so that we can make room for something better. Take time as you go about your week to incorporate your version of this exercise, and let me know how it goes in the comments below!