The Peacock Witch

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New Year, New You—The Wholesome Way

With the turn of the year upon us, this is a known time for people to recommit to personal transformation. When you set your intentions this time around, though...set them for personal growth and for nurturing your soul. Explore yourself in a way that you have never done before. Take the leap towards wholesome change.

This year, I invite you to get to know yourself a little better. Learn the language of your body and of your mind–learn how to trust your intuition. Instead of committing to some externally-focused change, commit to the inner transformation of becoming one with your higher self. Commit to changing how you feel and how you move in this world from an internal source, one that is rooted in feeling pleasure and being the best person you can be.

When we approach wellness from a holistic perspective, we tap into the body’s innate ability to heal. What message do you send to your body by being restrictive? What message could you send instead by extending gratitude, joy, and celebration for all that your body has gotten you through? Tending to our Mind, our Body, and our Spirit each has an immeasurable impact on the whole. This is how transformation happens. 

The message all over the psychic community right now is “change”. If we want this year to BE different, we have to DO something different. That means deciding and committing to being the change you wish to see in the world. You must decide to adapt and to serve yourself better. In doing so, you’ll also be serving those that you hold dear to your heart. When you commit to bettering yourself, you commit to raising your vibration--which will naturally affect the world around you.

A Daily Practice for You to Consider

  • When you first wake up, tell yourself something nice. “Today is going to be a great day”, “I am enough”, “I have within me everything I need to make today great”. Decide what kind of day you want to have and be proactive in finding pleasure and joy as you go throughout your day.

  • Keep a glass of water nearby for when you wake up. It kick-starts your metabolism, refreshes your palate, and helps get you off to a great start to making sure you’re getting enough hydration. Taking advantage of the everyday witch perspective–say your affirmation over your water. You can also keep clear quartz or amethyst near your water to charge it overnight as well.

  • Reconnect with source–whatever that looks like for you. Universal energy, deity, spirit...the spark that ignites life. Light a candle with a thought of gratitude for all that you have, acknowledging the abundance already present in your life. Give thanks for the breath that fills your lungs, the blood that runs in your veins, the earth that supports your feet, and the spark within that fills your soul. 

  • Take 5-10 minutes to sit with that energy. Meditation doesn’t have to be a scary concept and is more accessible than most people think. Spending dedicated time committed to stillness is a proven way to ground and center your being. That’s all it is, connecting to your breath and feeling what is yours. If thoughts come up, thank them and let them move along.

  • Shuffle and pull a tarot or oracle card, or perform some other form of divination: pulling a charm or a rune, throwing bones, or opening a book to a random page and finding the first sentence that calls your attention (aka bibliomancy or libromancy). Consider the message that has found its way to you. How might you use this message as you move forward in your day? Does this perhaps answer a question that’s been lingering in your mind?

  • Pull out a notebook and write. You can write about the card you pulled or the book passage you read, you can write about your day, or the gibberish that comes to mind as it appears. The idea is to write, to let the flow be what it is, and to not control it. Ideally, you’ll want to spend about 10-15 minutes of active writing, but spend as much time as you can. 

All in all, this is a practice that can be completed in under 30 minutes–even on the days when you’re moving slow. In fact, you can make it happen in 20 if you wanted to. You just have to decide it’s worth it, and you have to choose what to give up in exchange for it. What will you sacrifice so that you can have a fulfilling morning routine where you are only focused on your own well-being. Does it mean that you wake up 20-30 minutes earlier? Does it mean you find a way to include your children so that you can do your thing, but they can feel like they’re a part of it? Take a closer look at what you’re already doing, see what can be adapted or modified to give yourself this one, small thing. Especially if it means you can live a more balanced life. 

Other Things You Can Do in Your Day

Read. When was the last time you picked up a book? Or otherwise sat and read for pleasure. I read articles all of the time for the purposes of learning, that’s not the same as reading a book for pleasure though. We have the ability to read, why wouldn’t we try to glean every ounce of information we could about things that bring us joy? Libraries are full of knowledge, there are stories about people saving others, stories about the people who came before us, books teaching us new skills that we didn’t even know we didn’t know. Spending even 15 minutes a day with your nose in a book, you’d be surprised at how many books you can read in a year. Perhaps you’ll even discover a new passion. 

Yoga. A sun salutation can take 10-15 minutes, or you can put on a longer video to fit your needs. Any fashion of movement is the true key, though the principles of yoga are in connecting with your body and your breath and feeling your connection with the earth. Learning how to feel the earth holding me during my practice allowed a huge shift in how I approach my practice overall. 

Breathing exercises. Specifically taking a few breath cycles to completely focus on breathing. The easiest exercise is to sit comfortably, one hand resting on your heart, the other on your belly. Breathe. Close your eyes and just breathe. Feel your chest rise and fall, feel the way your belly moves as you breathe in and out. You are alive. Breathe in deeply and exhale all that does not serve…

Make 2021 the Best Year Yet

All in all, in one hour a day–whether in one long chunk or spread out throughout your day–you can make remarkable changes in your everyday life. Change begins with a single step. Any sized step in any direction is a step forward–because it means that you are moving. If you are moving, it means that you are clearly devoted to making a difference. 

What are you moving towards?