The Peacock Witch

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Committing to Self

At the new year, we see masses of people choosing to make some sort of Resolution. Sometimes they choose to take on the one, big, commitment to finally losing those 5lbs that they've been trying to get rid of for years. Sometimes they chose something else equally as challenging, or multiple somethings that are bound to get lost track of. Often times, though not always, those plans fail to work. They fail because they are based on societal norms of what people should be. They fail because it's easier to be trapped in the box of what other people want for us, than to live the life we truly desire to be living. There is a better way.

This year I am committing to myself, and I encourage others to do the same. I am choosing to embark on a journey that is for the sole benefit of my being, and I can't think of a better way to spend my days on this Earth. The things that I've already committed to have me exited for what is to come, the me who will see the clock turn into 2017 will not be the same me who is writing this today.

I was talking with a dear friend of mine the other day, and she commented on how taking the step to invest in herself really solidified for her that she was going to do the work. Following this conversation, I went home and found additional classes that I had been pondering on taking, and then I took it a step further and signed up. This month alone I am committing to the Deer Goddess class hosted by Yeshe Rabbit, as well as Yeshe's Spaciousness class.

It's interesting. I signed up for each of these classes for wildly different reasons, but for the same one as well. The Deer Goddess speaks to me through my current dedication to Artemis, but I've also experienced Her in other forms and it's that connection that I wish to deepen. How else can I get to know my goddesses? As for the Spaciousness class, I really need to take the time to learn how to create the time and space to do what I actually want to be doing. It's easy to fall into the trappings of the "sit & play" world that is technology, and it's easy to put my needs onto the back burner for the sake of someone elses needs. Though if I commit to creating space, I won't have to become a back-burner item that I'm hoping won't over-boil and burn. Both of these classes offers me the opportunity to make better decisions, both of these classes will teach me how I might become a better witch, Priestess, and mother.

Also for this year, I signed up for a third Initiation within my coven. This is the Advanced training that Priest/esses can choose to take following the service year after their initial Wildflower training. This is also my second Inititation in as many years, and while each Initiation is it's own being - it's all deep, personal work. This specific training focuses on our shadow selves, and how to overcome the blocks we put in place. So, this year is truly being dedicated to my personal advancement.

Initiations are not light undertakings, and to do two in a row is quite the feat. Though after talking with my trainer, who has been overseeing my progress in this coven for nearly 6 years, we both feel that this is the right next step. During Initiations, one holds themselves (ideally) to a higher standard of being, to continue that flow from one year to the next is bound to continue for years to come. I'm choosing to take the steps to better myself so that I can better serve my community.

Everyone has their own thing. If committing to losing, or gaining, weight works for you, and doesn't lead you down the ultimate rabbit hole of societal trappings - go for it. Otherwise, choose something that is bound to better you. Commit to being more artistic, commit to taking more walks on the beach, commit to being healthy - or, better yet, commit to being happy. Do everything that you can to stay within that parameter, but don't beat yourself up if you slip up. Life happens. It's okay to take a break. Sometimes the fates throw us one hell of a curve-ball, and we don't have a choice but to run with it - even if we have to leave our Resolutions behind in the dust.

Go forth, and spread joy.